My Harry Potter in Pop Art Style

This picture was when we were learning about Pop Culture. We learned that the word "Pop" comes from popular, menaing from the people. We learned that Pop Culture focused on drawing for the people, displaying images that poeple could relate to and somehow showing themes that were polemic to the world. Like Harirings with HIV, he draw for the better understanding of HIV and he contributed to the world by providing them with knowledge. Once I heard that that´s the difference from an artist and a politisian. Politisians fight a polemic issue until they are satisfied -or pretend to be for political strategies. Instead, while the politician reaches that satisfaction and chooses the silence, the artist -the real artist- keeps his mouth open.

I decided to draw a Harry Potter for this Pop Culture Proyect because I though it was the opposite of the society this days. Starting by the fact that I wanted my Harry Potter to be pink. Everyone told me that it would be better in a sort of black or blue shade, because Harry Potter is a boy and "boys can´t wear pink". I decided to contradict all those who thought that pink is for girls, and in my opinion my Harry Potter is as masculine as every other man. With the color, I´m showing the viewers of my painting that maybe the color of a human doesn´t matter, or whether he is straight or homosexual, itñs the inside that matters.

Kanye West

On this proyect, the teacher told us to chose someone we look up to, to chose some of his famous qoutes or sayings, and to draw him or her with those qoutes and sayings as lines. I chose Kanye West. I didn´t look up to him, but somehow I admire him after all that he has done! Some poeple look at him as this very rude rapper, who insutls everyone on his way and throws tantrums if he doesn´t get what he wants. I think of him pretty much the same, with the only difference that I admire his coureage to go on stage, interrupt Taylor Swift´s acceptance speach, and blurt out, "Yeah, we all kow Taylor Swift is a great artist, but, Beyonce won the best video of the year, so...". Only few people can do that, go against the world for his  opinions, and that´s why I admire Kanye West. We live now in a society were hipocracy has replaced sincerity and it´s very hard finding a friend who´s not going to stab you in the back. I  draw Kanye because I admire his sincerity towardsTaylor Swift and the World, and I know that if I ever have him as a friend, i will be hearing my defects when necesary.

This art proyect for me reflects more that just a simple portrait. This is a complete portrait, because you draw what the person looks like phisically, but also you put some of his or her personality within the art work. You get an idea of what the person thinks, talks, and thinks while you see the paionting, and at the same time you can see what he or she looks like.